
About us

Dr. Thomas Prinz

Ambassador Thomas Prinz

Germany and Nepal will further deepen their partnership based on shared values: democracy, individual freedom and a just and equitable society that is also sensitive to environment conservation and climate change.

Dr. Thomas Prinz


Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany


Dr. Thomas Prinz, Ambassador to Nepal






Gyaneshwor Marg 690, Kathmandu

Postal address

Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany, P.O. Box 226, Kathmandu, Nepal

Administrative / consular district


Opening hours

Monday - Thursday 07:45-15:00, Friday 07:45 - 13:00 or with an individual appointment

-Consular Section-

*German passports*
by individual appointment

*urgent matters of German citizens*

Monday - Thursday 07:45-15:00, Friday 07:45 - 13:00
submission of visa applications: only with an appointment

*certification of documents/signature*
Tuesday & Thursday 08:30 - 10:30 or with an individual appointment

*documents concerning opening a blocked account*
submission of documents: Tuesday 13:00-14:00

collection of documents: Thursday 13:00 - 14:00

Holidays 2024

24. Dezember/December: Heiligabend/Christmas Eve

25. Dezember/December: 1. Weihnachtsfeiertag/Christmas day

26. Dezember/December: 2. Weihnachtsfeiertag/Christmas day

31. Dezember/December: Silvester/New Year's Eve

Holidays 2025

1 Januar/January :
Neujahrstag/New Year's Day

8 März/March:
Internat. Frauentag/Internat. Women's Day

18 April/April:
Karfreitag/Good Friday

21 April/April:
Ostermontag/Easter Monday

1 Mai/May:
Tag der Arbeit/Labour Day

8 Mai/May:
Tag der Befreiung (einmalig)

9 Juni/June:
Pfingstmontag/White Monday

19 September/September:
Constitution Day (npl. Nationaltag)

1 Oktober/October:

2 Oktober/October:

3 Oktober/October:
Tag der Deutschen Einheit/German National Day

22 Oktober/October:

23 Oktober/October:

24 Dezember/December:
Heiligabend/Christmas Eve

25 Dezember/December:
1. Weihnachtsfeiertag/Christmas day

26 Dezember/December:
2. Weihnachtsfeiertag/Christmas day

31 Dezember/December:
Silvester/New Year's Eve



+ (977) 1 421 72 00 - for visa inquiries dial "33" in the menu (only on Wednesday 14:00-15:00) - due to German data protection law no inquiries related to pending applications can be answered

Emergency number outside opening hours

+977 9851137943 (English, German), +977 9851137942 (Nepali) - no visa inquiries


Official languages of local authorities: Nepali, English

Please note: If you are using a telephone-Connection via sattelite (Satcom) higher charges might occur.

Note on barrier-free access

Unfortunately, the premises of the Embassy are not completely barrier-free. However, our staff will be happy to assist you at any time.

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